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The Legacy of Amalfi About the benefits of goat's milk

The Legacy of Amalfi About the benefits of goat's milk

The Legacy of Amalfi  About the benefits of goat's milk

The benefits of goat milk have been known for a long time. There is a lot of information about this. All the facts for the fact that it is one of the most healthful foods. The ancient heroes of Hellas, glorified in the ages, were nourished on goat's milk. The goat is one of the first domesticated animals. The first traces of goat breeding were noted during the Stone Age, namely nine thousand years ago!

Doctors, naturopaths believe that in view of the fact that the goat has accompanied a person for so many millennia, the human body has adapted genetically to goat and sheep milk, and a huge selection work has taken place. To adapt immune systems and immunity to a specific product, it takes at least 500 years. This is one of the reasons why a large number of people (especially Asian) have a rejection of cow's milk. Cow, as a milk-giving animal, by historical standards with a man of about 2000 years. As is known, oxen and other cattle were used as draft animals. In addition, the geography of breeding cows is significantly less due to certain climatic conditions.

If the domestic goat with its milk stayed in the top for so many millennia, then what allowed it to withstand evolutionary competition?

Here we have collected the most interesting facts about goat milk. This article does not detract from the merits of cow's milk, but only to "open your eyes" to the undeservedly forgotten product - goat's milk.

Secrets of Biochemistry:

1. The most valuable substances, or rather their quantitative content, is albumin and globulin. These are vital proteins, which contain a huge number of rare and important amino acids that are easily and fully absorbed by the human body.

USE: Amino acids, as is known, is the building material of our body. They are regulators of the operation of all systems and an important part of the body's transport system.

2. In goat's milk, high content of immunoglobulin.

USE: Nowdays about 30% of modern people there is no immunoglobulin in the intestine. And this is the cause of the disease of this organ. Problems in the intestines attract starvation of the whole body and other negative consequences. Therefore, the use of goat's milk contributes to the strengthening of general immunity.

3. The presence of caprylic acid, which does not allow growth in the body of any kind of fungus.

USE: Caprylic acid copes successfully with infections caused by the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. This substance accelerates recovery with inflammation of the teeth and gums, lung and urogenital diseases. Unlike antibiotics, caprylic acid does not affect the vital activity of other bacteria, so its use is natural and safe. The effect of acid is that it destroys the membrane of fungi / bacteria, without which they are no longer tenants.

4. In terms of the amount of cobalt, goat's milk is 6 times more than cow's milk.

USE: The presence of cobalt in goat's milk helps synthesize vitamin B12, which is a difficult problem for vegetarians. Cobalt is indispensable in the process of hematopoiesis. With the help of this trace element in the bone marrow, erythrocytes are produced. The intestinal microflora also normalizes under the influence of cobalt, since it is a source of nutrition for the bacteria located in the intestine. Cobalt also catalyzes the process of renewal of cells in the body and normalizes the endocrine system.

5. In goat's milk, a high active bactericidal phase is the time during which microorganisms falling into freshly extracted milk do not develop or die.

USE: During the bactericidal phase, milk has bactericidal properties due to the presence of antibacterial substances: lysozymes, leukocytes, normal antibodies, certain enzymes.

6. The number of fat globules and their size in goat's milk is three times lower than in cow's milk, therefore when casein is curling, smaller protein particles are obtained than in the milk of other animal species.

USE: These properties contribute not only to faster, but more complete assimilation of goat's milk by the body when consumed in its pure form.

7. Goat's milk is a rich source of beta-carotene (provitamin A.

USE: Beta-carotene is a recognized assistant in the prevention of cancer. Goat's milk is also indispensable for restoring the body after chemotherapy.

8. It is important to say more about lecithin, contained in goat's milk.

USE: The human liver is half composed of lecithin. By increasing the level of useful lecithin in the body, a person reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Lecithin rapidly breaks down harmful cholesterol and removes it. Lecithin helps to produce myelin, which forms the envelope of nerve fibers, creating unimpeded impulses.

Lecithin helps synthesize surfactants that protect pulmonary alveoli from the penetration of toxins.

9. With the milk of animals feeding on grass, a person gets an important omega-3 fatty acid, a polyunsaturated lipid.

USE: Omega-3 lipids eliminate all the negative effects of harmful fatty acids and neutralize the effect of free radicals. This leads to an improvement in heart rate, normalization of blood viscosity and blood pressure, restoration of the normal functioning of the endocrine and blood supply of all organs. In the milk of animals, which are fed mixed fodders, there is an opposite in the action of Omega-6 lipids.

All of the above is just a rare information about the benefits of goat's milk. For a more thorough study of the biochemistry of this product, we list the substances that are necessary for the normal vital activity of the human body. If you study their entire role and put it in its entirety, you will probably not get an article, but a book.

Here is a partial list: Vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B4, B9 (folic acid), H (biotin), nicotinic acid, rutin. In goat milk, there are many salts of potassium, calcium and phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, manganese, iodine, copper and molybdenum are also present. Choline and biotin. Lysozyme and cystine.

Helpful information:

Milk must be drunk slowly. A small sip of milk, delayed in the oral cavity, enters the stomach already partially recycled. If you drink milk in one gulp, it is not well absorbed.

Cold milk often provokes angina, a disease of the upper respiratory tract, and most importantly - it weakens the energy of the kidneys. It is better to use steam or slightly warmed.

When feeding children, goat's milk is half diluted with water and heated to 70%.

Special recipe:

Golden Indian milk: For a glass of goat's milk, 1 teaspoon of turmeric and a third of a teaspoon of pepper. Healing and warming means.


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