The Eco-Village «Nesterov» is a perfect place for:
Eco Village "Nesterov" has all necessary for comfortable holidays at any time of the year. We offer to come for a week and forget about the bustle of the city and worries.
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Отдых на ферме
To replenish energy and restore the body's biological systems, a person needs sleep, oxygen, moderate physical activity, healthy nutrition and sunlight.
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Оздоровительные практики
Our space is initially oriented to holding seminars, retreats and retreats by oriental practitioners, so we will gladly accept groups of guests who decided to hold their visiting event with us.
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Food is one of the basic conditions of a healthy life. During the rest, each of us has the opportunity to revise our diet and take more consciously to what we eat and how.
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Tourism in the Tver region
The Eco Village "Nesterov" is located near many tourist places. Staying with us, you can visit:
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Русские праздники
We know and honor the tadications of Russian holidays. We arrange traditional festivities with treat.
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Ice Rink


Planning the infrastructure on the territory of the Eco-Village, we laid a pond in the project. Although the river, where you can swim in summer is located just 300 meters from the farm, your pond is needed. Firstly, on hot days you can swim in clean water, and secondly in it we grow some kinds of fish that are suitable for fishing. Thirdly, in winter the pond is a perfect place for skating. And what winters without skates! This is especially true for children.

During classes, as a rule, children and adults play on the ice rink until the seventh sweat, so the proximity of the ice rink to housing is a very good opportunity to quickly change clothes and take a shower.

The area of ​​the ice rink is 25x20 meters, there is a shop near by to put on skates. Around the expanse there is a winter forest.

We are for a pleasant and useful pastime. After the ice rink the sleep will come strong, the appetite is healthy. Simple products of our farm will become an exquisite treat, hot tea and a Russian Banya complete the healing procedure started by frosty clean air and harmonious smooth movements.

Come to us with the children! Cheerful walks through the forest, skiing, drawing and hilarious fuss in an informal setting next to adults will make the holidays and family weekends bright and unforgettable. About the recovery factor will even be redundant.

Applications are accepted year-round. For organizers of regular check-in stays free of charge.

+7 (926) 246-55-24

+7 (985) 997-54-93


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"EcoFarm Nesterovs"

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