The Eco-Village «Nesterov» is located 90 km from Tver and 200 km from MKAD. Thanks to remoteness from large cities, snow in the Petrakovo village in the Tver region is more white and fluffy than in large cities of Russia. He lays down earlier, but melts later. This gives an opportunity for cross-country skiing from november until early april.
We are laying trails of different lengths. Specialists prepare a classic skate for skating. A smooth path with a dense surface, wide on the ascent, is also laid. We have everything for a rest on cross-country skiing. Usually, guests pick up individual equipment, so you can bring it with you.
For laying semi-professional routes we use a modern snowmobile, equipped with trailing devices: a roller, a harrow and a cutter.
Supported and constantly inspected the perfect condition of the ski track. Thanks to the clean air, rest on cross-country skiing is good for health.
After a walk around Moscow and dinner from natural farm products, you can visit a Russian Banya. The Eco-Village «Nesterov» is a great place for winter holidays, which can be visited inexpensively.
Registration of applications
We work all year round. For organizers of regular arrivals to the recreation center, the accommodation is free of charge.
Applications can be received by phone:
+7 (926) 246-55-24.