The Eco-Village «Nesterov» is a perfect place for:
Eco Village "Nesterov" has all necessary for comfortable holidays at any time of the year. We offer to come for a week and forget about the bustle of the city and worries.
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Отдых на ферме
To replenish energy and restore the body's biological systems, a person needs sleep, oxygen, moderate physical activity, healthy nutrition and sunlight.
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Оздоровительные практики
Our space is initially oriented to holding seminars, retreats and retreats by oriental practitioners, so we will gladly accept groups of guests who decided to hold their visiting event with us.
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Food is one of the basic conditions of a healthy life. During the rest, each of us has the opportunity to revise our diet and take more consciously to what we eat and how.
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Tourism in the Tver region
The Eco Village "Nesterov" is located near many tourist places. Staying with us, you can visit:
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Русские праздники
We know and honor the tadications of Russian holidays. We arrange traditional festivities with treat.
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Foreign guests, you are welcome!

Receiving foreign guests

Отдых зарубежных гостей

The Eco-Village «Nesterov» is a absolutely an relaxing space created according in the national Russian tradition of rural life. The territory is located on the native Russian area of the Tver region, near the important places for tourists and cities of «the Golden ring»: Rostov Veliky, Kashin, Kalyazin, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Uglich, Myshkin. All these cities are connected with the Volga river and the greatest lakes.

The farm is located inside the village Petrakovo with its history. This village is located 300 metres from the confluence of two rivers – City river and Medveditsa river. You could find here an amazing ruins of the Church. Its architecture could not be attributed to rural buildings, it is more like an urban Cathedral building of the 18th century.

Rivers are full of fish, forests of mushrooms. We tried not to disturb the way of life in rural areas. To stay on the Eco-Village «Nesterov» is a great opportunity to take a leisurely life: to relax, visit our Russian Banya, to try a village products from the farm, walk through meadows and forests, swim in the river or the pond, and in the evening sit around the campfire. After that you could go on a further journey through the ancient Russian shrines of the «Golden Ring».

We already have an experience in receiving foreign guests. There are some guests from China. Among them, the Master of Chinese martial arts and founder of the school "Hedao" Li Ming. Foreign tourists prefer to be there for holidays because it's another Russian, quite Russian!

It offers cozy cottages and harvested wood for the Russian Banya, our hostess bake delicious pancakes with a wonderful sour cream from the farm's cows Steshi and Julie. There are jams, pickles, fresh vegetables and other village products.

We always welcome guests!

Applications are accepted year-round. For the organizers of the regular races stay free of charge.

+7 (926) 246-55-24

+7 (985) 997-54-93

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"EcoFarm Nesterovs"

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