The Eco-Village «Nesterov» is a perfect place for:
Eco Village "Nesterov" has all necessary for comfortable holidays at any time of the year. We offer to come for a week and forget about the bustle of the city and worries.
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Отдых на ферме
To replenish energy and restore the body's biological systems, a person needs sleep, oxygen, moderate physical activity, healthy nutrition and sunlight.
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Оздоровительные практики
Our space is initially oriented to holding seminars, retreats and retreats by oriental practitioners, so we will gladly accept groups of guests who decided to hold their visiting event with us.
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Food is one of the basic conditions of a healthy life. During the rest, each of us has the opportunity to revise our diet and take more consciously to what we eat and how.
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Tourism in the Tver region
The Eco Village "Nesterov" is located near many tourist places. Staying with us, you can visit:
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Русские праздники
We know and honor the tadications of Russian holidays. We arrange traditional festivities with treat.
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The night from 6th to 7th of July

Before the change of the chronology the holiday coincided with the days of the summer solstice, the maximum flowering of nature, the victory of light over the darkness. For example, in the Baltic States this holiday (Ligo) is celebrated according to the old style on June 23-24.

With the emergence of Christianity, this day is also dedicated to John the Baptist. That is why this holiday is dedicated to water in both traditions.

Preparation begins on July 6, the day of Agrafena Kupalnitsa. Girls and women prepare bath brooms for the whole year. On this day, according to tradition, baths are heated. Young guys pour water on all passers-by and fellow villagers.

By evening, the youth gather in the clearing, start fires, compete in jumping through the fire. The girls are guessing on the plantain grass on the sucked and letting on the river wreaths of field grasses and flowers.

Wells traditionally cleaned of silt and mud. In some villages it was customary to ride the rye. It is considered a good sign to swim either in a bath or in a pond.

According to popular signs on the day of the summer solstice, water is connected with fire. Therefore, fires are bred on the banks of rivers and lakes. Also, according to legend, happiness awaits someone who finds a fern flower blooming supposedly only this night.

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